Today wake up early in the morning 5.40...fell back to sleep and wake up at 6~today is my birthday ready and went to school with gina~she and hui yee got me this huge winnie the pooh stuff toy O.O....but only got it from her after school as its too big for me to take around in school a nice birthday bash from nigel and zhen yuan which turn into a birthday sandwich~both squeeze me like mad...gotta admit one of them had a weird smell while squeezing me.....after school went to help mr tan carry some stuff from the science lab to the avt with kevin~he wanted to make us carry 3 television and 3 vcr! one tv is way bigger than me and kevin and we both cant even move the end move only 1 tv and 3vcr....bused to tiong to find hui yee and gina at kfc...went there and played a french fries game~i ended up having to eat so many fries-.- went to popular~gina and hui yee ended up buying so many lolipops...walked to tiong park and find their friend kaili and xiao hui....slacked there for quite awhile then head back to tiong~slack at there and later went home bath and change for tuition feel so tired~teacher spam the class with homework...but everybody today dont know why all never do~all keep talking...tuition finally ended~chiong to the shop near old chang kee and buy a packet of chicken stuff~felt dam hungry throughout the tuition...homed and eat dinner followed by cake =D~black forest cake...i cant even finish 1 piece of the cake~too full...

~the black forest cake~
~the pooh bear =D~
7:14 AM
Been quite long since i blog...well as asked by gina and mandy~blog time! today woke up like super early...3 or 4plus early in the morning~dont know whats wrong with me this few days or weeks...feel super tired at 11pm and sleep till like random timing of 3,4 or 5 then wake up for no reason...slack on the bed as the time past..dam everything seems to slow down...finally got off the bed at 7~had to get ready for pa, teachers' day rehearsal ready and dam it was raining...keep getting heavier then stop and rain again...rejected my father's offer to drive me to school twice...went to the bus stop to find hui yee and gina~walked to school and had to buy waffles and drinks for jasmine,geraldine,agnes and daniel....went to the hall and everybody all there slacking~spent the whole day slacking in the control really nothing better to do...started to write wei jian's name all over a piece of paper because he saw the duty list and dont believe it was my handwriting....whole event end like about 12plus i think~went to tiong with gina and hui yee, went to walk around...again hui yee go buy sushi...went back home~on the tv and slack again....later gina and hui yee asked me go bm library so went to change and find them at the bus stop....took the bus 123 all the to the interchange~they wanted to take a super-long like 40 over bus-stops!!! took like almost 1 hour to reach there....went to the library and went around looking for a place to sit~ended up with hui yee doing math homework and gina slacking....both of them ended up freezing inside the library XD i became a heater! haix....continued to rain walk in the rain to the school bus-stop and bused to tiong~dont know why hui yee suddenly so emo...reach tiong then hui yee still want to eat ice-kacang! so cold already still want cold stuff....gina and me already freezing till like dont know what already....went to kopitiam and hui yee ended up eating fruits instead~in the end went to ljs to buy back dinner for my mother...haix,queue half way she tell me she dont want already cause my father buying back food asked my dad to help me buy also..later went home and ate my dinner~spent the rest of the day slacking,tv-ing and surfing the web!
6:08 AM
Today woke up at the usual morning routine and later got ready to go to tuition...turns out that the tuition was 1.30 but i thought it was 1~made me rush like mad! so went to tiong first to go and find gina and hui yee....hui yee forever and again eating sushi...walked about tiong with them to kill the little time i have...went to tuition and time seems to fly dam fast today! went out of the tuition place then gina and hui yee already there waiting o.o~going to the library to meet up with christabel,jasmine,mandy and kevin...went there for like less than 20mins then left the place~what a waste of time....while going out of the place that christabel go and push me against the shelf just because i want to disturb kevin...made the books drop! make me go and pick up and put back while they all run away into the lift~such 'good friends'~bloody kevin pissed me off so much...bus to mandy house area there to play basketball~in the end i played badminton with jasmine while christabel and ass kevin go and basketball leaving gina, hui yee and mandy lazing around emo-ing....played badminton untill the racket i use the thread also can break~sorry ah jasmine XD.....then went and buy drinks with gina~walked around the some maze! so hard to get to the ma ma shop...bought a 1.5litre of orange soft drink and 1.5litre of green tea for jasmine XD she wanted it so i buy big bottle haha...went back there and ended up a little lost again...made it there and got whack on the ass by jasmine racket for buying such a big bottle of green tea T.T help her buy also get whack...then saw a piece of paper which hui yee and gina played at the arcade just now XD *confidential*...played with hui yee badminton then racket got confiscated by jasmine because i drop the went to play basketball with mandy's brother~woo shooter!....played match with jasmine against mandy and her brother...haha fun to bully mandy~she dont know the rules of the game XD...later bring gina and hui yee to tiong for them to mrt...then went back home and all the way to the night and surfing the web!!well today too bad for kevin...somehow he pissed me off quite badly that i had the superb urge to punch him...
6:43 AM
Today woke up kinda early at about 5.10 and slept again all the way to 5.30~have national day event for pa today....went with gina to the 7-11 to get some cough sweet and then off to school and it is super empty o.o the whole of sec3 i think i saw only 2-3 some ghost-town XD....saw hui yee so went and set up pa stuff....after the whole thing went to pac set-up for choir cca~before that was talking to geraldine bout some stuff~*confidential* =D....before that the whole pac was kinda empty and soon the choir people flooded the place-.- like in an instance the whole pac full with people...went to the hall with geraldine to so call 'look after' zhi hui as ordered by agnes~zhi hui aint supposed to even be at the hall as mr tan says so but he is actually playing computer games there....saw jia ming, xiavier,clement,wei jian and victor there playing with cha-teh~the feathery thing that is kick about here and there....ended up playing along with them as well...haha had quite a fun time there~then they all started throwing a bottle of water which i was drinking high up in the hall...stupid xavier throw and throw till it got stuck somewhere near the roof~dam! i am thristy at that time....later set-up the teacher's day stuff for the rehearsal then the rehearsal just went on...spent the whole time playing handphone game with gina XD the marble game~keep losing,not fun!...the control room was super squeezy with zhi hui, johnny and tian hui inside~all playing games...abit pissed~play is can,at least go outside control room lah~stay inside take all the chair away! after the event went to eat with gina,hui yee and the joker xiang zheng...wanted to go to mac but ended up going to the hawker thanks to that joker...he got a weird and funny nick~kukruch XDwent there found a place then all of them ate nasi-lemak except me~char keow tiao =P....kukruch cant even eat in peace...i kept making him laugh~show his kevin's picture also laugh like mad~super racist guy XD

xiang zheng the kukruch!
later went back to school as the hui yee wanted to play abit then all dont know why go seat somewhere and slack....asking kukruch question *confidential*~went to play basketball again..that kukruch went back to dont know where as he want to learn pen spinning so he wants to buy the same pen as the one i'm using...kinda watched hui yee play and slack with gina at a corner...later went to tiong to find the kukruch~he is using a straw from sweettalk to spin~lameo! went to the popular just to go find that pen that i was using-.- got chased out from popular as we are not allowed to bring drinks inside~gina was still happily chewing at the pearl went to the lift area and slowly finish the drink then go inside....later went to find their friend called 'stingray' -.-...went to walked around the ntuc then went back home....yay gina aint transferring! =D spending the night surfing the was a great day!gonna change the way i carry my bag back to normal!
6:02 AM
Another day of school equals another day of was ok~but had to do the morning exercise dont know how many times in today thanks to mr tse.....slacked throughout the whole day~biology lesson was the best! had 2 peeriods but we only had 1 because miss wu forgot the time of the lesson...she actually forgotten that there is biology at that time but rafidah and li liang reminded her~spoiler! but had fun for the 1 period teacher-less! benyamein and dhurkesh forever making jokes and playing around~made me and leslie laughed till stomach pain....after school had chinese test~T.T dam it was tough!! finished it in 30minutes and ended up waiting for the end he was so slow so i just went first....later went to lunch with agnes, jasmine and kevin at bm mac....went back to school to do the national day rehearsal thing and this year's event is lousy! only marching no performance T.T finally get the class photo! took like months for it to be given to the class

fun shot =D

another fun shot XD

boredom shot -.-
7:10 AM
Woke up super early today~early in the morning 5.15~got moe event so need pa stuff...ended up slacking on the bed too lazy to get up....doze off again and wake up at 5.30~went to get ready....ate my breakfast and off~walked to school with never get to see her in the gb uniform~XD the hat is like a mini boat haha....reached school with kevin as well~met him at the traffic light....went to school and saw hui and gina went to go find the teacher for the pac key while kevin and hui yee stayed at the general office i think~reached the dnt block already and that hui yee sms that they just saw the teacher we were looking for...ended up walking back~went in there set-up and i held to wear tie T.T hate wearing it....make my neck feel so tight~had to wear,have to do some exhibition for my solar car because some kinda important people are coming from singapore poly....after the whole thing went to eat with gina,hui yee and kevin~all ate burger except gina -.- forever not eating....T.T the chinese rice stall havent open for 4days i think~i miss the food!wonder what happen...i rather it temporaily like this than the whole stall close down....later went back to the pac to play around with the piano~i dont know how to play T.T...wished my mother had force me to learn when i was young....haha me and kevin got wei jian to teach us 2 piano songs....super tough~my fingers had to stretch here and there!but was fun though~envy those who know how to play the piano.... for the lunch-time concert audition....1 of the performance is a girl who know how to play the song 'cai hong' by jay chou! T.T sound so nice!after that went to the hall for teacher's day rehearsal and audition~today got a total of 3events!...went there and watch jasmine and kevin play badminton~then played with kevin for less than 10mins then the people want to use the hall for their rehearsal!what a spoiler.....dont know why suddenly felt so frustrated all of a sudden! i was ok for quite some time then it just i went to vent it out on basketball~reached there played awhile then my sec1 friend had to return the i tried to borrow a ball but who knows~the pe room got a new rule that only on specific time then can borrow and return stuff...then went to the dnt area slack with jia ming~drew weird looking chalk drawings with kevin....laugh away time and borrowed a ball =D....played less than 10mins then the agnes ask christabel to call us go back hall....ignored her and soon gina also come call us go back....T.T luckily frustration all vented out was relaxed and went back to the hall....later talk to mr tan about some matter regarding pa...after the rehearsal watch jasmine and tian hui play badminton~they play till the shuttlecock split into 3parts O.O....slacked away time and later walk to tiong with gina and hui yee....went back home when i reached tiong~ate my late like i will never feel full...can eat almost every hour...then 1 hour later went to eat my dinner XD....then another 30mins my father bought back chicken rice~ate it as well XD killed the evening tv-ing all the way~today was a busy day...need new ways to curb my random frustration.....
7:08 AM