Been a long time since i updated this blog....well there is nothing much to do for now...exams is keeping me busy....spending time at the library this few days~i need to study!! home is not suitable for me to study addicted to the song 'Collide'...wish i could play the guitar....well i ain't gonna update for a long long time till the exams are over...gotta say the few exams i had was still ok...wonder how tought the math exam is gonna be...even the best best fall down sometimes,even the wrong words seem to rhyme....for now just need some peace to get through the exams...
5:41 AM
Today went to carmen's house downstairs in the evening to celebrate mooncake festival....went there and met up with agnes and carmen~the rest were late only the 3 of us slack there light a few sparkle and burn a few paper cranes....

~burning in progress~

~burn burn burn~

~at some time the fire was green O.O~
At about 8 qiao ting, sarah, jasmine, wei li, kimberly, daniel, shawn and dhurkesh we all play catching~run around here and there like goon~du....then took the 1000 paper cranes to burn ~ *confidential*.... made it into a heart shape and roast it all...

~1000 paper cranes in a heart shape~

~surrounded the heart with candles :D~
After that mandy and li liang also came....soon zhi hui also got come....daniel brought his dog along~leon o.o...same breed as yogi...but is a male...then carmen brought yogi down :D leon kept on running after yogi and sniffing her o.o poor yogi keep running away....haix~today yogi try to bite me T.T almost got bitten...she jump but lucky only the nose touch my palm....slack there and talk talk then me kimberly, shawn, qiao ting and sarah played with bomb-bags and bubbles...later we burn some lanterns and talk talk....took a picture of the moon~weird thing is that with the camera, can see a small white dot in the picture and i saw it move o.oll...look with own eyes dont have the dot but with the camera then have...

~see the dot on the left of the moon?~
we went to carmen's house take some things and was hard trying to put on a smile infront of them~but all them help cheer me up as they kinda really let me had fun...
8:22 AM
woke up and fell back to sleep...woke up again and it was 6.20 o.o~got ready and bused to school....feeling a pile of weight on me today~reach school and found out today assembly in the hall....took the key and went to the hall and ask hui yee to set up mics~morning assembly was nothing for today as i did nothing but close my eyes and listen to music....did not feel like doing anything for today~just wanted a little peace and a time-off from everything....after assembly set up projector and visualiser for ms tan~then headed back to my cca to get scolding from my teacher....nag and nag about not going to the competition~wasted the whole cca time in the library doing the cca blog...load of had chinese test everybody go back to their own class instead of their band...test got interrupted by mrs.yeo~case of the missing money have been solve *confidential*....lesson ended leslie ,kevin and me go art room the toliet there to see the cross stuff....those who know or seen will know what i am talking about....turns out to be some kind of art piece -.-ll true or false? who knows....walked around the school witih them looking around the school's 'spooky' kind of toliets....all no mirrors o.oll....went to the hall and blast music there waiting for time to fly~pa training for the sec1s at 1.30....they arrived but agnes not everyone just slacked while me and wei jian went to doodle on the whiteboard~drawing cartoon faces of the pa members....then watch wei jian teach them how to set up a screen~kind of a weird way of teaching....dont think they understand...last time batch of pa members only had training for sound...everything else all learn on the spot during events~dont know why now have training...guess it may be better this way....later got 'chase' out of the hall by mr.kasim dont know what he say so we all just pack up and went off....went to play basketball with wei jian, victor, jia ming and his friends~dont know whether it is my mood or too long never played out of 50 over shots only 3 went in?! cant believe it....after that went to play volleyball with wei jian~poor guy had to run here and there for the ball because i keep hitting either too hard or wrong till my hands all red...vein all swollen -.-ll....stop playing cause too painful for the both of us....went to the flagpole there to slack...we both ended up killing a bunch of ants then later try to catch them o.oll....wei jian went back to basketballing leave me to slacka at the flagpole~watching gina, hui yee and their friend play volleyball....after that went to tiong...on the way talk talk then some things happen *confidential* sorry gina and hui yee~did not mean to lose my temper....slacked the night tv-ing and surfing the net....feel like basketball-ing again and again~it helps alot...
6:38 AM
thinking thinking and thinking...same thing stuck in my mind for the time being...dont know what i should do for now....guess its only a matter of time till my mind is cleared...seems like this few weeks is nothing but unhappy things happening....tomorrow is friday~cca day...its gonna suck...gonna have pa training for that dam urge to let it all out basketball-ing....just suddenly feel like i am stuck to the song "how to save a life"~thanks leslie for introducing this song in a toliet...time seems to be fast at sometimes and slow at sometimes...exams are coming up...thats when the time is fast~gonna really study this time round...thinking~thinking~thinking...time is the only obstacle for now...keeping a smile on the face is truely a tiring task when you aint smiling~believe sure is tiring...
7:31 AM
joash was here and now he is gone~okie i have updated :D
3:45 AM
Today woke up at up and got ready~today gonna go take photo and make my ic :D...mrt-ed to lavender with my bro~went to queue up for the photo...waited quite awhile and nearly my turn and i realised needed to get the ticket for photo taking first...phoned my bro to help me get it....went in there and took the photo and its done :D...met up with samuel and headed to another part of the building and waited for my turn to do the ic stuff....later mrt-ed again to cathay cause my bro wanted to buy a addidas jacket~reached there at about 11.30 but all the shops there were still close o.oll...the addidas shop only open at went to ben and jerry :D tried the ice-cream there for the first time...shared a tub of ice-cream~chubby hubby is the name....a peanut butter kind of ice-cream~chosen by samuel...slacked at ben and jerry till the shop open....bought the jacket and went to plaza sing~walked about and went to the arcade...hehe i played the basketball game and shot a total of 200points~my highest record for the day...played the basketball thing 2more times but ended up scoring 160plus points each T.T hands were super sore after the whole game...played a cool game with my bro and samuel~take those small balls and shoot the target :D samuel later played some car game while my bro tried to play the grapple game to get the silver stitch stuff toy~but fail -.-ll went to marina for lunch~ate the at the noodle restaurant inside the food court itself...the noodle was not bad~but the drinks are the best! the milk tea my bro bought was dam nice~not diluted :D...i tried the coffee and tea mixture drink and wow it was dam strong~kinda sweet...too much milk...then walked about the place and went to peninsular shopping place~the place was like super empty but got many nice shops...the things there are like super cheap and nice~the shirt are like $12-$15....and the shops there sell dam lots of guitar o.o!!~walked about the whole place and then mrt-ed home at 5.30....well today i guess i spent the whole day from 11.30-5.30 walking about looking at lots of shirts and shoes with my bro and samuel~till my legs are sore from walking XD....
6:53 AM